News briefs:August 15, 2006 April 19, 2021April 20, 2021 Admin The time is 17:30 (UTC) on August 15th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs. Contents 1 Headlines 1.1 Tanker spills 1000s of tonnes of crude oil off Nicobar Islands 1.2 Former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon develops double pneumonia 1.3 New Zealand Maori Queen dies 1.4 Rae gains support in Canadian Liberal leadership race 1.5 Heavy hailstorms leave Sydney appearing snowed in 1.6 Australian company to make solar power with space technology 1.7 Victoria, Australia – fuel theft on the increase 1.8 New Zealand pilot selling uniform online 2 Closing statements [edit]