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Lightweight concrete blocks – can be sown, drilled, nailed, screwed and milled with common hand tools.
Jimmy Seikh
Lightweight blocks having density range from 650 Kg/m3 to 1250 Kg/m3 as compared to 1800 Kg/m3 to 2400 Kg/m3 for conventional bricks and concrete respectively and is a good substitute of bricks. Despite millions of tiny air filled cells. Products are strong and durable. The Lightweight blocks have advantage for the structure design leading to savings in supporting structures and foundation. Blocks are available in wide range of density from 650 Kg/m3 to 1250 Kg/m3 of average compressive strength of 2.0 to 7.0 N/mm2.
Lightweight concrete blocks havean excellent acoustic performance and can be used as effective sound barrier and for acoustic solutions. Hence, highly suitable for partition walls, floor screens / roofing and panel material in auditoriums. Blocks are lighter than concrete & brick respectively. The lightness of the material increases resistance against earthquake as well as less chances of loss / damage to human lives. Blocks provide superior thermal insulation properties compared to that of conventional brick and concrete. Blocks products are produced in a rectangular shape for internal and partition walls or in shapes as required. The bricks can be sawed, drilled and shaped like wood using standard hand tools, regular screws and nails. It is simpler than brick or concrete.
Blocks products are weather proof, termite resistant and fire proof. Blocks products reduce dead weight of filler walls in framed structures by more than 50% as compared to brickwork resulting in substantial savings. Due to the bigger and uniform shape of blocks, there is a saving in bed mortar and plaster thickness. Blocks products are closed cellular structures and hence have lower water absorption. Blocks products do not require plaster and water repellent paint suffices. Wallpapers and plasters can also be applied directly to the surface. Blocks products are manufactured with fly ash 100% recycled resource, thus also known as fly ash blocks.
AAC is a lightweight building stone, comprised of all natural raw materials. AAC block is used in a wide range of commercial, industrial and residential application. AAC consists of 80% of air. It is manufactured by combining silica in the form of sand or recycled fly ash, cement, lime, water and an expansion agent aluminum powder and paving it into a mold. Manufacturers of lightweight blocks India also make AAC blocks Vadodara, apart from this AAC blocks Mumbai and lightweight blocks Gujarat also has many companies manufacturing these. Using AAC is very advantageous because it is environmentally friendly qualifies as a \’green\’ building material from manufacturing to recycling.
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