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The Role of an Indio Plastic Surgeon is an Important One
Dr Sofonio
We know that doctors play a vital role in any community but it is true to say that these days doctors who specialise in cosmetic surgery also play a very important role in people\’s lives. An Indio plastic surgeon certainly plays a large role in the community as is kept busy with various procedures. People from all walks of life are prepared to go under the knife in order to look their best.
Indio plastic surgery is on the increase as people save their money to spend on whatever treatment they feel will improve the quality of their lives. Indio facial surgery is so popular that the best doctors have waiting lists for their services. Facial surgery Indio, or wherever, can be sought as a way of correcting something which has been damaged or something which you are not happy with.
Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the \”correction\” or restoration of form and function. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic; plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns. Cosmetic facial surgery has long been the solution of choice for the correction of physical malformations resulting from aging, disease, injury and birth defects. In recent years, however, a growing number of men and women of all ages are choosing facial cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance and reduce the signs of aging.
Thanks to the development of advanced medical devices and biomaterials, many of today\’s facial cosmetic procedures are minimally invasive and can be performed in an office setting using local and/or intravenous anaesthesia. Some procedures may require use of an outpatient or same day surgery centre, or hospital. Because of their surgical and dental background, oral and maxillofacial surgeons are uniquely qualified to perform cosmetic procedures that involve the functional and aesthetic aspects of the face, mouth, teeth and jaws. Extensive education and training in surgical procedures involving soft tissue and hard tissue finely attune the oral and maxillofacial surgeon to the need for harmony between facial appearance and function.
As a society, we\’re obsessed with image and body consciousness. More than ever, in a fast-paced, multi-media world, we judge people by their appearance, with pressure for everyone to look glamorous and blemish-free. Yet over one million people in the UK have significant disfigurements to their face, body or hands; from birthmarks and cleft lips to scars from accidents, burns and war injuries to cancer and eye conditions. This is why effective communication campaigns are critical to helping people with disfigurement gain access to the best treatment available and to overcoming stigma and discrimination that they may face in their day to day lives.
This is why the role of an Indio plastic surgeon is so important in the lives of so many people. They not only deal with cosmetic treatments, but more importantly, they also help to improve the lives of those with disfigurements or disabilities.
Dr Sofonio reviews about Indio Plastic Surgeon and says that for the treatment of body contouring, breast augmentation, laser resurfacing or any kind of Facial Surgery dr sofonio Will be your perfect choice.
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